There are few who possess a more encyclopedic knowledge of Pick/D3 than Jonathan Sisk.
In fact, Jon wrote Encyclopedia Pick for the late Dick Pick, inventor of D3.
In so doing, he also embedded it into the platform as an online help
facility which has since mutated into Web form still used and supported.
Encyclopedia Pick (EPick) 1st Edition
Nobody comes even close to the number of books Jon has written on Pick.
Chronologically, here they are.
"The Reality Pocket Guide, 1st Edition"
"The Pick Pocket Guide, 1st Edition"
The Pertec Pick Pocket Guide, 1st Edition "flipover" format
The CIES (C. Itoh) Pick Pocket Guide, 1st Edition "softcover"
The Ultimate Pocket Guide, 1st Edition
Exploring the PICK Operating System 1st Edition hardcover
Exploring the PICK Operating System 2nd Edition softcover
"Pick/BASIC: A Programmer's Guide" 1st Edition
This book is still available as a free download.
Jon was the Series Editor of " The Pick Library"
for Tab Professional Reference Books,
a (former) division of McGraw-Hill.
The Pick Library
PICK for the IBM PC and Compatibles
PICK For Professionals: Advanced Methods and Techniques
The Pick Pocket Guide, 5th Edition "desk reference"
The Pick Perspective
Jon's final (Pick) work was the second edition of Encyclopedia Pick
Encyclopedia PICK, 2nd Edition
Jonathan E. Sisk Bibliography
The Pick Pocket Guide, First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Editions (JES Publishing.)
Exploring the Pick Operating System, First and Second Editions (Hayden Books)
PICK/BASIC: A Programmer's Guide, First and Second Editions (TAB/McGraw-Hill)
The Pick Pocket Guide "Desk Reference" Edition, First and Second Editions (TAB/McGraw-Hill)
The Ultimate Pocket Guide, First and Second Editions (JES Publishing)
The CIES/Pick Pocket Guide (JES Publishing)
Secrets of Peak Performers ( Howland Publishing) (Pick chapter)
Microprocessor Operating Systems: Volume III (Microcomputer Applications Publishing) (Pick chapter)
The Pertec Pick Pocket Guide (JES Publishing Co)
Encyclopedia Pick (Advanced Pick Technical Manual) (Pick Systems/Raining Data/Tiger Logic)
EPick, AP/D3 On-Line Help (Pick Systems/Raining Data/Tiger Logic/Rocket Software)
The Pick Library, Edited by Jonathan E. Sisk
Pick For Professionals, Advanced Methods & Techniques, Harvey Rodstein
The Pick Perspective, Ian J. Sandler
Programming With IBM PC BASIC & The Pick Database System, David Clark
Other Titles Edited by Jonathan E. Sisk
Desktop Video Production Using The Commodore Amiga (Tab/McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. (unpublished)
Using Prime Information, by William Winter (unpublished)
Everquest Companion: The Inside Lore of a Gameworld (McGraw-Hill/Osborne)